Vratsa Region
In the Vratsa Balkans is Mount Okolchitsa, the site of the last battle and the death of the detachment of Hristo Botev, a great Bulgarian poet and revolutionary against the Ottoman rule. Near Vratsa is the highest – 141 meters – waterfall in Bulgaria – Vratsa Skaklya.
Vratsa is twinned with Sumy, Ukraine.
Vratsa Region is located in Northwestern Bulgaria, has 10 municipalities, 8 towns and 115 villages. The population is over 180 thousand people. The administrative center is the town of Vratsa. The district is part of the Vrachanski Balkan Nature Park, 1 reserve and 14 protected areas.
Education & Child Care
There are 43 kindergartens in Vratsa district, 69 are primary and secondary schools.
We also offer specialized secondary education in various schools: in stone processing, in high school of natural sciences and mathematics, technical school of clothing, agriculture.
In the branch of the University of Veliko Tarnovo “St. St. Cyril and St. Methodius ”in Vratsa students are trained in the specialties“ Primary school pedagogy ”and“ Preschool pedagogy ”.
13 are registered in the Ministry of Health health facilities for inpatient and outpatient care, as well as for emergency medical care.
Industry & Jobs
Mechanical engineering, metalworking, electrical engineering, meat processing, production of yarn and fabrics are among the economic branches in the district. In the district of Vratsa is the largest producer of electricity in Bulgaria – Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant.
Brokers, business consultants, traders, plasterers, warehouse workers – these are the most popular professions on the job market.
Cultural & Historical Heritage
There are many reserves, protected areas and natural landmarks in the Vratsa region. Among them are:
- Vratsa Balkan Nature Park – an international protected area, with over 500 of the deepest caves in Bulgaria, including the famous “Ledenika”
- Vratsa Karst Reserve
- Padinite Protected Area
Between BGN 300 and BGN 500 per month is the rent for a house according to the advertisements for the district.
Important Contacts
Labor office – 092 627 133
Regional education management – Regional Department of Education – Vratsa (ruobg.com)
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